Primary: Spectrum, Stryfe, Mk3, Rapidstrike, Nemesis, Perses, Hades, Hyperfire, Nexus Pro, Rampage, SMG Zesty, IR, or AR-E Secondary: Hammershot, Kronos, Strongarm, Reflex 6, Mk2, Disruptor, Fury 4, Roughcut, Takedown, Cobra, SP-E, 6-SH, SR, or Quadrot Tertiary: Jolt, Triad, Sharpfire, Secret Strike, Microshots, or Storm Squad.

Primary: Rapidstrike or nexus pro, for relatively high capacity, semi-auto fire, small size, and ease of use. Secondary: Kronos, for easy reloads, tactical look, sleek size, and power. Tertiary: Knockout, for being a Rival gun, which, even when massive and low capacity, are just inherently better than normal Nerf.

As soon as you are in a secure location, Walkie-Talkie the other squadrons and tell them you have abandoned your base. If you have made a new base, tell your teammates the coordinates of the new base.

Infantry troops: For CQB (close-quarters battle or close quarters combat) and engaging the enemy on the battlefield. Arm with a Spectrum, Rebel Mech, Hera, Charger, Artemis, Hades, or any high-capacity blaster. They should also carry pistols like the Storm Squad, Reflex 6, Rival Kronos’, Blitzfires, or MK2s, as well as walkie-talkies and GPS. Rapid-fire gunners: This is the main fighting force. Arm with flywheel blasters, walkie-talkies, and GPS. Snipers: For taking out with convenience shots. Arm with sniper rifles like the Jupiter XIX-1000, Nexus Pro, or Caliburn, possibly armed with walkie-talkie and GPS. Assasins/Scouts: For infiltration and scout operations. Arm with two pistols such as Blitzfires, Storm Squads, or Kronos’, walkie-talkies, and GPS. They could have Nerf swords like the Zombie Strikeblade, Vendetta swords, or Marauder swords. Heavy gunners/Base gunners: For firing from a stationary post to protect the base from oncoming enemies. Arm with a V-Twin or Nemesis, or any fully automatic gun with a fast rate of fire. Note that the Rhinofire jams a lot and has a very slow rate of fire. Commando: For heavy mobile fire, Arm with a Spectrum, Scorpion Gatling Gun, Rebel Mech, as well as a pistol like a Storm Squad, Blitzfire, or Rival Kronos and a walkie-talkie.

Find a good sniping position on high ground (for example, a rocky outcrop). Prime your gun. Scan the area.

If you can see the attack coming from a distance, there is no real threat, just snipe the enemy when they enter your vicinity. If surprise attacked, get out of there! The enemy will have a higher rate of fire than you and have the advantage of speed, mobility, and the element of surprise.

Judge whether or not you can take them down. If attacked by rapid-fire weapons, run! Finally, if you’re attacked by snipers, hide in cover, then regroup and take them down from behind.

It is best to know the surroundings where one is fighting; this helps players know hiding spaces and areas with physical advantages. Spots like these include hills, stairs, fences, and balconies.

First is by using intimidation. This means using heavy fire against then enemy, regardless of accuracy. The drawback to this strategy is that you will be using a lot of darts in a short amount of time. This strategy is best used when there is more than one base defender and they are equip with a motorized weapon. These weapons use a motorized system to continue to fire as long as the soldier continues to hold down the trigger, feeding either from a clip or pre-loaded darts. Examples are the V-Twin, Perses, Nemesis, Prometheus, Spectrum, Rebel Mech, Destructor, Matrixfire, or Commandfire. The second strategy is one of anti-intimidation where you don’t shoot at all. Let the enemy get comfortable and approach then shoot them at the last moment. If you’re facing multiple enemies, use your cover wisely, as it is one of your biggest advantages over your enemy. If they charge all at once, the best way to counter this is either using a Perses or Nemesis.

For example, “eagle” could mean everyone strike at once, “mouse” could mean you need more ammo, and “snake” could mean retreat back to base. Try to keep the code words short and few in number since they should change every battle and everyone needs to be able to easily remember them.

Only use guns you are familiar with. The most common kills will be the people who do not know their equipment well.

The defense holds a line on the largest major routes while the offense attempts to secure minor routes. If the offense is successful, the enemy team will have no choice but to try to overwhelm the defense in the center. When in position, the defense caves in the enemy still hold the area. This will result in the enemy team falling deeper into the now bowl-shaped defensive line. The offense then emerges behind the enemy team and takes defensive positions pointed towards the collected enemy team. If done correctly, this leaves the enemy team surrounded and without cover. If the plan fails, the entire team can recover quickly by rushing, taking advantage of their already forward position.

Your team cuts in a diagonal line across the field. The most powerful members of the team should be on the edges, with the weakest parts of the line in the middle. This leaves the enemy no choice but to attack the line, often focusing on the middle. When the enemy is within the bounds of the line, collapse your team on top of them and redistribute your players. This leaves your enemy surrounded an all but one side. Note that the line described here is not a straight formation, but rather a loose description of the cover positions of your team.

Try to get as deep into their territory as possible before being shot or finding cover behind enemy lines.

Other ways to craw a target is to trick them into thinking you are out of ammo. When they charge in for the kill, you unload your blaster into them.

You could also set a retreat point with your team in the field or if your base is over-run Make sure only your team knows where the base is. Send an assault squad to break in the base. Then, capture as many as 3 to 5 of the best soldiers on guard on the enemy team; now, tie or lock them up to your base. Next, call the enemy team and say “We’ve got your soldiers; save them in 5 minutes or else we’ll shoot em!”; then, when they come, get ready to attack. Shoot your hostages and then shoot the approaching team members and Booyah!