The crime thriller television series began in 2013 and has clocked up well over 150 episodes. The first episode of 2022 airs on Thursday January 6, 2022 as Season 9 continues after its mid-season break.
Spader’s award-winning show continues on network television as it always has, but fans who missed the scheduled air date can catch up with the new episodes online. Here’s everything you need to know about how to watch The Blacklist online in 2022.
How to watch The Blacklist on TV and online
Since the first season, The Blacklist has aired on NBC and it continues to throughout Season 9. If you can’t wait to catch the next installment, new episodes air on Thursdays at 8/7c on NBC.
Don’t worry if you miss it on TV, the crime thriller arrives online just a day later on the NBC streaming service Peacock. Since the episodes air every Thursday, that means the latest episodes of The Blacklist will be available to watch on Fridays.
You can revisit previous episodes from Season 9 of The Blacklist as the new episodes tend to stay up for a couple of months at a time.
Watch The Blacklist online for free
Peacock offers both a paid service, and a free one, and fortunately episodes of The Blacklist are available for free on the NBC streaming service.
Just sign up for a free Peacock account and you can catch up with the latest episodes of The Blacklist without parting ways with any money. On the free version of Peacock, you’ll have to wait eight days after its TV air date for episodes to appear online.
If you already pay for a Peacock premium tier or a premium ad-free account then you’re in luck — you can watch episodes of The Blacklist the day after they air.
Currently, a premium tier account costs $4.99 a month but you’ll still have to sit through ad breaks before and during TV episodes and movies. For $9.99 a month, you can do away with ads and watch your favorite shows, including The Blacklist, uninterrupted. The premium ad-free subscription service also unlocks a lot more content that isn’t available on the free version of Peacock.
When does The Blacklist air?
The Blacklist returns from its mid-season break on Thursday January 6 at 8/7c on NBC with Episode 7 of Season 9, titled “Between Sleep and Awake.”
From that point on, new episodes of The Blacklist Season 9 are due to air weekly every Thursday night. Episode 8, “Dr. Razmik Maier” airs on Thursday January 13 while Episode 9, “Boukman Baptiste” airs on Thursday January 20, 2022.
It’s not currently known how many episodes will make up the entirety of Season 9, but six out of the eight seasons have contained 22 episodes. With the exception of Season 8, which got a later start date due to the pandemic, each season of The Blacklist has wrapped up in May.