Detangling conditioner makes it easy to remove knots or tangles from the ends of your faux locs.

A comb can help get rid of stubborn knots, though your fingers also work well to untangle your hair. If your faux locs are connected all the way to your ends, you do not need to do this. Separating your hair may mess up the integrity of your faux locs.

Using an oil hair product protects the ends of your hair from breakage as you wash your scalp. Use a natural oil like olive, coconut, or jojoba oil for best results; however, you can also use oil products formulated for hairstyling.

If you sweat a lot of find your scalp excessively itchy, wash your hair once every week or week and a half.

Sulfate-free shampoo reduces frizz and protects your hair better than shampoos with sulfate ingredients. You can purchase applicator bottles from beauty supply stores. These are 8 oz (236. 6 mL) plastic bottles that help apply hair dye and products.

This releases built-up oil and dirt from your scalp. Alternatively, you can wash your hair in the sink. Flip your hair over your head to rinse your roots.

The applicator bottle makes it easy to avoid spraying the shampoo onto your faux locs.

For best results, avoid using your fingernails. Using your nails can cause more frizz to form and reduce the longevity of your faux loc style.

This way, your scalp won’t be itchy and you can go a bit longer until your next wash.

When the water runs without any bubbles, you are finished rinsing your hair.

The applicator bottle makes it easy to apply conditioner to your scalp.

You can get out of the shower as your conditioner sits, if you’d like.

Your hair is completely clean when the water runs clear with no suds or bubbles.

This gets rid of as much water as possible before you use a towel.

This gets rid of any moisture so your hair will dry faster.

If you have a hair towel that needs to be twisted around your hair, flip your hair upside down, wrap the towel around your hair, tuck in the front pieces, and flip your hair backwards. If you are using a shower-cap style, simply place the wrap around your head.