If you are sick, or feeling nauseous, make sure you are prepared. Keep a bucket near where you are resting. At the very least, make sure it is easily accessible. If you have kids who might vomit, putting the bucket near the bed is a good bit of preparation in case they can’t make it to the bathroom. Make sure your children knows what the bucket is for, so they are prepared if they need it. [1] X Research source

If you have a friend or family member nearby, this can be something helpful for them to do. That way, you can use both hands to hold the bucket.

Don’t pull your head away from the bucket until you feel confident you have finished.

You can also use a 1:10 bleach solution (1 cup of bleach mixed with 9 cups of water) to disinfect further. If you do this, make sure to keep the mixture on the bucket for 10 minutes, and keep the room well ventilated. Do not mix with any other cleaning agents. It may be easier to line the bucket with a trash bag before vomiting. A used plastic grocery bag works just fine. Simply line the bucket with the bag, and after vomiting, simply toss the bag in the trash. Great for quick cleanups, and less odor accumulation, since you may replace the bag anytime. Make sure the bag has no holes in it. If you are still feeling sick, and not able to fully clean out the bucket, get away from it. Vomit has a pretty strong smell, which can trigger you into vomiting again. [3] X Trustworthy Source Mayo Clinic Educational website from one of the world’s leading hospitals Go to source

With the palm of one hand facing up, place the first three fingers of your other hand over the wrist while feeling for the two large tendons under the thumb. The point you seek is about three finger lengths below your wrist. Apply pressure to the point using a circular motion while making sure you are pushing down on the point. This should not cause any pain or discomfort and you can continue to apply pressure for two or three minutes. Repeat on your other wrist. Locate the pressure point on your other wrist, then apply pressure in a circular motion for a couple of minutes.

Autogenic relaxation. This involves finding something to take your mind off the nausea (or whatever else you are feeling). Repeat a word or phrase to yourself, not related to your nausea. Try to think of something peaceful or relaxing. As you repeat this idea, make your deepen your breathing and relax your muscles. Visualization. Picture a peaceful or calming setting in your mind. Think about how your various senses would experience this place, things you might feel, smell, or hear, as well as what you would see. It can help to close your eyes and sit while you do this. Deep breathing. Find a quiet place to sit. Take a normal breath, then a deep breath. Breathe in slowly through your nose, and let the air fill your lungs and abdomen. Exhale slowly, through your mouth is better, but it can be through your nose if that is more comfortable. [7] X Trustworthy Source Harvard Medical School Harvard Medical School’s Educational Site for the Public Go to source