The hydrocodone and acetaminophen combination is marketed under a number of brand names, including:

Vicodin Vicodin HP (300 mg acetaminophen/5 mg hydrocodone) Vicodin ES (750 mg acetaminophen/7. 5 mg hydrocodone) Lortab Anexsia Zydone Lorcet Norco

Vicodin is considered an effective pain reliever when used as prescribed over the short term.

Dosage and Side Effects

Vicodin is taken orally in a tablet form and contains 300 milligrams of acetaminophen and 5.0 milligrams of hydrocodone. The standard adult dose is one or two tablets every four to six hours as needed for pain. The total daily dose should not exceed eight tablets.

Vicodin HP and Vicodin ES contain larger doses of the active drugs. Follow the recommended dosages listed on the drug insert, and speak with your healthcare provider or pharmacist if you have any questions.

As with any prescription drugs, there are side effects associated with Vicodin use. They include:

DrowsinessDizziness, lightheadedness, and faintingConstipationAnxietyNausea or vomitingBlurry visionRinging in the earDifficulty urinatingBreathing impairment

Rare side effects include:

Serious skin reactions Hypersensitivity (opioid-induced hyperalgesia and allodynia)

Signs and Risk of Addiction

Because Vicodin carries a high risk of physical and emotional dependence , anyone taking the drug should be aware of the warning signs of addiction, including:

Feeling ill when you run out of Vicodin (including muscle pain, joint pain, night sweats, anxiety, jitters, and insomnia)Taking more pills to get the same effectTaking larger amounts than prescribed, or taking it longer than the healthcare provider intendedBeing unable to stop taking itCraving the drugFailing to do your job, school work, or other dutiesContinuing to take it despite a known detrimental effect on your health, relationships, or other aspects of lifeJuggling healthcare providers to get prescriptionsHiding Vicodin or keeping a stash in your office or car

If you are doing or feeling any of these things, your use is probably excessive and you may be best served to speak with your healthcare provider. Don’t delay or be embarrassed. The longer you wait, the more difficult it will be to kick the habit.

Withdrawal symptoms such as insomnia, night sweats, tremors, increased stool, vomiting, and fever can occur when Vicodin is suddenly stopped. To avoid this, your healthcare provider will reduce your dose gradually.

Treatment Considerations

Before starting Vicodin, inform your healthcare provider if you have any of the following:

Liver disease, including cirrhosis or hepatitis A history of alcoholism or drug addiction Kidney disease Asthma, COPD, or any respiratory disorder Brain disorders, including head injury, seizures, or tumors If you drink more than three alcoholic beverages per day

Moreover, there are drug interactions Vicodin and both tricyclic antidepressants and MAO inhibitors. In fact, you should not use Vicodin if you’ve taken an MAO inhibitor in the past 14 days.

If you are already taking Vicodin for pain and feel you need a longer-term solution, speak with your healthcare provider about alternate drug strategies that may help.