One way to determine that a side is “opposite” a chosen angle is to make sure that it does not form one of the rays of the angle. If labeled correctly, angle α{\displaystyle \alpha } wll be formed by the two sides B and C. It will therefore be “opposite” side A. Similarly, angle β{\displaystyle \beta } is formed by sides A and C and is opposite side B. Angle γ{\displaystyle \gamma } is formed by sides A and B and is opposite side C. Some math texts will use capital letters for the sides and lower case for the angles. Others do the opposite. It does not matter, as long as you are consistent.

You may be able to calculate one or more measurements using some rules of geometry. For example, if you are told that the triangle is isosceles, then you are able to mark that two of the angles are equal, as well as the two corresponding sides. As another example, if you are told that two angles are 40 and 75 degrees, you can then calculate the third angle to be 65 degrees, since all three angles must add up to 180 degrees.

The law of sines is stated as follows: Asin⁡α=Bsin⁡β=Csin⁡γ{\displaystyle {\frac {A}{\sin \alpha }}={\frac {B}{\sin \beta }}={\frac {C}{\sin \gamma }}} The same rule can be rearranged to yield the following equivalent statements: sin⁡αA=sin⁡βB=sin⁡γC{\displaystyle {\frac {\sin \alpha }{A}}={\frac {\sin \beta }{B}}={\frac {\sin \gamma }{C}}}

For example, the following combinations would be sufficient for the law of sines to apply: Side A, Side B and angle α{\displaystyle \alpha } Side A, Side C, and angle γ{\displaystyle \gamma } Side B, angle β{\displaystyle \beta } and angle α{\displaystyle \alpha } The following combinations are examples that would NOT be sufficient to apply the law of sines: Side A, Side B and Side C. (This does not work because you have no angle measurement. ) Side A, Side B and angle γ{\displaystyle \gamma }. (This does not work because the known angle is not opposite either of the known sides. Side B, angle α{\displaystyle \alpha } and angle γ{\displaystyle \gamma }. (This does not work because the known side is not opposite either of the known angles. )

For example, if you know sides A and B and angle α{\displaystyle \alpha }, then you need the portion of the law of sines that says: Asin⁡α=Bsin⁡β{\displaystyle {\frac {A}{\sin \alpha }}={\frac {B}{\sin \beta }}} Notice the similarity of the law. It really doesn’t matter which label you use for any sides or angles. The important thing to remember is that you are comparing ratios. The ratio of any side to its opposing angle is equal to the ratio of any other side to its opposing angle.

Asin⁡α=Bsin⁡β{\displaystyle {\frac {A}{\sin \alpha }}={\frac {B}{\sin \beta }}} 12sin⁡80=Bsin⁡40{\displaystyle {\frac {12}{\sin 80}}={\frac {B}{\sin 40}}}

12sin⁡80=Bsin⁡40{\displaystyle {\frac {12}{\sin 80}}={\frac {B}{\sin 40}}} 12sin⁡40sin⁡80=B{\displaystyle {\frac {12\sin 40}{\sin 80}}=B} 7. 83=B{\displaystyle 7. 83=B} To find the value of the sine of an angle, such as sin⁡40{\displaystyle \sin 40} in the problem above, you can use most handheld calculators with trigonometric functions. Different calculators operate differently. With some calculators, you will enter your angle measurement first and then the “sin” button. With others, you will enter the “sin” button first and then the angle measurement. You will have to experiment with your calculator. Alternatively, there are some tables available either in math books or online. With a trigonometry table, you can find your desired angle measure in one column and the corresponding value of sine, cosine or tangent in another column.

Asin⁡α=Bsin⁡β{\displaystyle {\frac {A}{\sin \alpha }}={\frac {B}{\sin \beta }}} 10sin⁡50=7sin⁡β{\displaystyle {\frac {10}{\sin 50}}={\frac {7}{\sin \beta }}} sin⁡β=7sin⁡5010{\displaystyle \sin \beta ={\frac {7\sin 50}{10}}} sin⁡β=7∗0. 76610{\displaystyle \sin \beta ={\frac {7*0. 766}{10}}} sin⁡β=0. 536{\displaystyle \sin \beta =0. 536}

For the example above, the final step is as follows: sin⁡β=0. 536{\displaystyle \sin \beta =0. 536} β=arcsin⁡0. 536{\displaystyle \beta =\arcsin 0. 536} β=32. 4{\displaystyle \beta =32. 4}.

First, you should recognize that you do not yet have enough information for the sine rule to apply. The sine rule requires that you have at least one pair with an angle that opposes a known side. However, you can calculate the third angle of this triangle using simple subtraction. All three angles add up to 180 degrees, so you can find angle γ{\displaystyle \gamma } by subtracting: γ=180−α−β=180−30−50=100{\displaystyle \gamma =180-\alpha -\beta =180-30-50=100} Now that you know all three angles, you can use the sine rule to find the two remaining sides. Solve them one at a time: Csin⁡γ=Bsin⁡β{\displaystyle {\frac {C}{\sin \gamma }}={\frac {B}{\sin \beta }}} 10sin⁡100=Bsin⁡50{\displaystyle {\frac {10}{\sin 100}}={\frac {B}{\sin 50}}} 10sin⁡50sin⁡100=B{\displaystyle {\frac {10\sin 50}{\sin 100}}=B} 10∗0. 7660. 985=B{\displaystyle {\frac {100. 766}{0. 985}}=B} 7. 78=B{\displaystyle 7. 78=B} Thus, side B is 7. 78 inches long. Now solve for the final remaining side. Csin⁡γ=Asin⁡α{\displaystyle {\frac {C}{\sin \gamma }}={\frac {A}{\sin \alpha }}} 10sin⁡100=Asin⁡30{\displaystyle {\frac {10}{\sin 100}}={\frac {A}{\sin 30}}} 10sin⁡30sin⁡100=A{\displaystyle {\frac {10\sin 30}{\sin 100}}=A} 10∗0. 50. 985=A{\displaystyle {\frac {100. 5}{0. 985}}=A} 5. 08=A{\displaystyle 5. 08=A} Side A, therefore, is 5. 08 inches long. You now have all three angles, 30, 50 and 100 degrees, and all three sides, 5. 08, 7. 78, and 10 inches.